How to benefit from SaaS Dashboard

The White-label SaaS Dashboard is designed to expand your client base and increase your sales. Take a look at how it works.

  1. Create your Dashboard on your domain. Your personal manager can also do that for you.
  2. Get access to the Admin Panel. Here you can customize your Dashboard and manage your client requests.
  3. Attract more leads to your Dashboard by placing CTA buttons or links on social media and your main website. Encourage your audience to analyze their resources.
  4. Receive and process client requests from your SEO Dashboard.
  5. It’s happening: your customer base is growing, and so are your profits.

How does the SEO Dashboard work for your business

  • By running your own professional web analytics platform, you can increase your brand’s authority.
  • The SEO tools under your brand name improve customer loyalty.
  • The SEO Dashboard helps attract new leads to your website and turn them into clients.
  • The Dashboard encourages your leads to send requests for your services.