dsd customization

On-page settings

This section can be used to set Dashboard menu items, change footer information, or add meta tags and descriptions.

The On-Page Settings section is made up of 4 subsections:

Main menu

This subsection can be used to set Dashboard header menu items (up to 3 items).


Choose the language(s) to display your menu items. To select the desired languages, tick the corresponding boxes in the drop-down list and click the “Apply” button to confirm changes.

By using this subsection, you can also:

  • Create a menu item by hitting the “Add link” button
  • Edit a menu item by clicking on the pencil icon
  • Remove a menu item by clicking on the cross icon

Footer Stage 1

  1. You can organize up to 21 links, distributed in 3 columns with 7 links each. This allows for a more comprehensive and structured display of your website's key sections (e.g., Blog, Pricing, About Us).
  2. You can tailor the link display to different audience segments by adding unique links for different languages.
  3. To activate footer groups 1, 2, or 3, simply check the corresponding checkbox in the settings.
  4. For precise control, enable specific links by selecting their respective checkboxes.

Configuration Process:

  • Begin by selecting your preferred languages from the provided list.
  • Enter the anchor text and the corresponding URL for each link into the designated table.
  • Activate each link by ticking its adjacent checkbox.
  • Remember to click the “Save” button after making modifications to apply and preserve your changes.

Footer Stage 2

Here you can change the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service settings.

This information is displayed in the bottom left corner when a user scrolls to the bottom of the Dashboard page.

By default, this section features standard information. You can also make the links to these pages accessible on your own website.

Meta tags

Here you can add meta descriptions and title tags in all the languages used to display Dashboard pages.


To select the desired languages, tick the corresponding boxes in the drop-down list and click the “Apply” button to confirm changes.

Click the “Save” button to save changes.